البحوث الطبية
- 2004-2005- Extended Spectrum ß-Lactamase Production Among E coli and Klebsiella species. in MGH- Impact of quinolone Resistance (Betto M, MD Lababidi H ,MD Tanir M MD, Moughnieh R MD)
- 2004-2005 -The Survey of Management and Assessment of Coronary heart disease Patients ( SMAART ) (Lawand S MD, Sayegh S,MD,Abdallah CH,MD, Betto M MD)
- 2005-2006- Impact of Implementation of Management Protocols in the CCU on Patient Care and Outcomes at Makassed General Hospital (Lawand S MD Betto M MD, Sayegh S MD)
- 2007-2008- The Prevalence of multiple lesions in patients with papillary Fibroelastoma. Is it underestimated?( Betto M MD, Pouwels S MD, Gal B MD, Vincentelli A MD, Fayad G MD, Dascotte O MD, Maréchaux S MD, Polge AS MD , Deklunder D MD, Le Tourneau T, MD(In press)
- 2008- A very rare case of acute MI and polycythemia Vera in a young otherwise-Healthy man (case report, cardiosource online CME)Sayegh S MD, Mougharbel A MD, Betto M MD
- 2009-Prospective assessment of multiple cardiac papillary fibroelastomas- An echocardiographic and surgical study (International Journal of Cardiology.)Thierry Le Tourneau ,⁎, Mohamad Betto , Marjorie Richardson , Francis Juthier ,Pierre Vladimir Ennezat , Anne-Sophie Polge, Christophe Bauters André Vincentelli , Ghislaine Deklunder