د. فادي الخوري, MD

جبل لبنان, أوتوستراد عجلتون, مستشفى سان جورج

الحصول على الاتجاهات : انقر هنا
: 9795.3 Miles

  • التعليم
    - General Medicine -USJ
    - Former resident of the St. Georges Hospital in Beirut at the end of the three years of internship in the fields of Internal Medicine and Cardiology.
    - Degree in Cardiology -Faculty of Medicine, USJ
  • البحوث الطبية
    - Thesis 1: Hyper-cholesterol and coronary patient, under the direction of Professor Halabi.
    - Thesis 2: Angioplasty and unstable Angina refractory to medical treatment, under the direction of Professor J. Puel.
    - Article Electrocardiographic evaluation of the Anti-ischemic effects of Verapamil during Angioplasty.
  • العضوية المهنية
    - Lebanese Order of Physicians
  • اللغات
    Arabic, English, French

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