البحوث الطبية
1-Goldfarb S and Ziyadeh FN (Editors): Hormones, Autacoids and the Kidney. In: Contemporary Issues in Nephrology. Churchill Livingstone, New York, (Hardcover: 444 pages); 1991.
2-Ziyadeh FN, Sharma K, Ericksen M, Wolf G: Stimulation of collagen gene expression and protein synthesis in murine mesangial cells by high glucose
3-Ziyadeh FN, Hoffman BB, Han DC, Iglesias-de la Cruz MC, Hong SW, Isono M, Chen S, McGowan TA, Sharma K: Long-term prevention of renal insufficiency, excess matrix gene expression, and glomerular mesangial matrix expansion by treatment with monoclonal anti-transforming growth factor-b antibody in db/db diabetic mice. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 2000;97:8015-20.
4-Chen S, Kasama Y, Lee JS, Jim B, Marin M, Ziyadeh FN. Podocyte- derived vascular endothelial growth factor mediates the stimulation of a3(IV) collagen production by transforming growth factor-b1 in mouse podocytes. Diabetes 2004;53:2939-49.
5-Ziyadeh FN, Goldfarb S. Renal Diseases, Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders, and Hypertension, In Medicine, ed. Myers, A.R.; 5th edition, National Medical Series (NMS) for Independent Study; Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, pp. 309-398, 2005.