د. جوزيف ابي فضل, MD

المتن، بعبدات، شارع صلاح لبكي، سنتر توفيق لبكي

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  • الممارسة الطبية بدأت
  • التعليم
    - M.B.A. (health management), Université St-Joseph Beyrouth, Paris Dauphine and La Sorbonne ( Paris) (2004)
    - Licence College des Medecins Du Quebec Family Medecine (1985)
    - Licensed Canadian Medical Board, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (1984)
    -Medical Doctorate University of Montreal, Quebec, CANADA (1979-1984)
    - Certificate in cellular and molecular biology University of Montreal (1978-1979)
  • شهادة البورد
    Medical Council of Canada
    College des medecins du Quebec
  • المستشفيات
    Bhanness Hospital
  • خدمات
    Family Medicine
  • العضوية المهنية
    Member of the following medical associations

    1985 Quebec Medical College
    1985: Quebec Federation of General Practitioners
    1986: Montreal Association of General Practitioners
    1986: Canadian Association of French-speaking Physicians
    1995: Lebanese Order of Physicians
  • الإنجاز والتقدير
    Hospital Director
    Medical Director
    Consultant Health Management and Administration
  • اللغات
    Arabic, French, English

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