مي سباعي

4المشرفية، بولفار الغبيري, مبنى التيار، ط

Video visit fees:  100000 LBP
Now offering video visits
  • فلسفة الرعاية
    My aim is to empower my patients with skills and knowledge to make healthy food choices and reach their nutritional goals.
  • الممارسة الطبية بدأت
  • التعليم
    - BS degree in Nutrition and Dietetic
    - Master Degree in Public Health At American University of Beirut
  • خدمات
    - Diet consultation and follow up
    - Medical Nutrition Therapy
    - Pre and Post operation for weight loss surgery(Sleeve,Gastric Bypass)
    - Detox
  • البحوث الطبية
    -Business management
    -Community health
  • العضوية المهنية
    - Lebanese Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics
  • اللغات
    English, Arabic, French
  • معلومات إضافية
    -phone number : +961 70287289
  • Anonymous patient

    • 2019-08-01 09:01:31

    Recommendation: Highly recommended

    Wait time: Right Away


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