مركز الطب البديل والحديث

بيروت، بولفار بيار جميل، ط 8، مبنى بيرل ٤٩١٣

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  • فلسفة الرعاية
    Allopathic Alternative Clinic (AAC) is situated in the heart of Beirut at the Adlieh roundabout, on Pierre Gemayel Boulevard.

    AAC is a new concept in musculo-skeletal multidisciplinary clinic where multiple specialties "Allopathic and alternative" ones, meet together to give their patients a complete treatment and follow-up concerning their health issues.

    AAC medical and paramedical staff is made of Certified Medical Doctors and Therapists with a strong medical background from well-known Lebanese and International Universities as well as years of practice and experience.

    The AAC is completed with the latest and high-end equipments.

    It will be one of the few clinic in Lebanon with a complete integrated smart system (EMR: Electronic Medical Record, MobileApp & Interactive Website) where AAC Staff and Patients can check their private data online as well as following-up on their latest appointments and infos.

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