د. نازك الخوري, PSY.D

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  • الممارسة الطبية بدأت

  • التعليم
    - Doctorate (Phd) in Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology and Psychotherapy, Saint Joseph University Beirut Lebanon, July 1995
    - Master’s degree clinical Psychology, Saint Joseph University Beirut Lebanon, July 1989
    - Bachelor´s degree clinical psychology, Saint Joseph University Beirut Lebanon, October 1985
  • شهادة البورد
    1-Certificate in Interpersonal psychotherapy provider MoHealth Lebanon col.IMC International Medical Corps. January 2016 => July 2016
    2-Certificate in Psychoanalytic psychodrama Saint Joseph University Beirut Lebanon January 2000 => June 2002 .
    3-Certificate in Cognitive and behavioral therapy CBT Saint Joseph University Faculty of Medicine Beirut Lebanon October 1999 => March 2001 .
    4-Certificate in analytic psychotherapy Saint Joseph University Beirut Lebanon Nov.1986 =>June 1992.
    5-Licence in Clinical Psychology : #9732/3/2018 MoHealth Lebanon .
    6-Certificate in Child Psychology internship in pediatric unit of Prof.GUIBAUD DEBROUSSE Hospital Lyon France January 1994 .
    7-Certificate in Drug Abuse Rehabilitation internship in MARMOTTAN Center Prof. OLIEVENSTEIN Paris France November 1993=> March 1994
    8- Certificate in General Psychiatry internship at Saint Antoine Hospital Prof. Sami TAWIL psychiatry unit Paris France November 1993=> March 1994.

  • المستشفيات
    1- Head of psychotherapy Unit sacré Coeur Hospital
    Hazmiyeh Lebanon 1995-> present
    2- Psychopathologist- Psychotherapist Notre Dame de
    Secours Hospital Byblos Lebanon 1990-> present
    3- Private Clinic 1990-> present
    4- Full Professor of Clinical Psychology Lebanese
    University Beirut Lebanon 1995->present
    Head of Psychology Department 2013->2018
  • خدمات
    Psychotherapy for all age group;
    - Mood disorders (depression)
    - Anxiety, PTSD, Phobia
    - Eating disorders
    - Personality disorders
    - Couple counseling
    - Child psychotherapy
    - Communication problems and relationships disorders
    - Addiction disorders
  • البحوث الطبية
    Research :
    - Psychopathology of diabetic children (chronic care center) 2009-2011
    - Personality of Lebanese addicted 1991-1995
    - Addiction and war events 1991-1995
    - Depression and war events 1987-1991
    - Substance Abuse (Lebanese Community) 1987-1991
    - Post-partum depression(Obstetrics gynecology unit St George hospital Beirut). 1987-1991

  • العضوية المهنية
    - Member of the Psychology Law committee in Lebanon MOHealth 2017-Present
    - Member of the colloquium commission for psychology MoEducation Lebanon. 2017-2021
  • الإنجاز والتقدير
    1-Nazek EL-KHOURY; Événements Traumatisants et Trouble Dépressif; Awrak Thakafiyya; May 2020 no.7 pp : 41-48 .
    2-Nazek EL- KHOURY; Conduites addictives et Dépression ; Awrak Thakafiyya ,Spring 2020; no:7 pp:1-10
    3-Nazek EL- KHOURY; La Psychopathologie de l’enfant diabétique ; Journal de l’association libanaise de thérapies Comportementales et Cognitives ; March 2019; no:5 pp:52-62.
    4- Nazek EL- KHOURY; Dépression et Événements de vie ;Journal de l’association libanaise de thérapies Comportementales et Cognitives ; October 2019; no: 6 pp :12-16.
    5- Nazek EL- KHOURY, Elie KARAM G., Nadine Melhem :Dépression et Grossesse;Journal Médical Libanais, May-June 1999 ; 47 (3) :169-174.
    6- Elie G. KARAM, Diantha B.Howard, Aimée N. Karam , Alice ASHKAR, Monique SHAYAA, Nadine Melhem,Nazek El-KHOURY : Major Depression and external stressors : the Lebanon wars; European Archives
    Psychiatry clinical Neurosci;(1998) 248: 225 - 230.
    7- Elie G KARAM , Mona BARAKEH, Aimée NASSER KARAM, Nazek EL-KHOURY:The Arabic Diagnostic InterviewSchedule Revue Médicale Libanaise;1991, vol.3pp.28-30.
  • اللغات
    Arabic - French - English

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