Dr. Khaled Yunis

Dr. Khaled Yunis, MD

1,American University of Beirut Medical Center,Cairo,Hamra,Beirut

الحصول على الاتجاهات : انقر هنا
: 35.19 Miles

  • الممارسة الطبية بدأت
  • التعليم
    Medical School: American University of Beirut, Residency: American University of Beirut, Fellowship:M. Pollack Fellow in Neonatal Perinatal Medicine Sir Mortimer B. Davis-General Hospital McGill University Neonatology Program Montreal, Canada 1986
  • شهادة البورد
    Neonatal Perinatal Medicine, Re-certified 1997, American Board of Pediatrics, Re-certified 1998
  • المستشفيات
    American University of Beirut
  • البحوث الطبية
    Perinatal and Neonatal Health Founder and Director of the National Collaborative Perinatal Neonatal Network (NCPNN) Surveillance systems in the perinatal & neonatal health fields Consanguinity Congenital Malformations & genetic disorders
  • اللغات
    Arabic, English

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