د. رامي عوكل, MD

بيروت، الحمرا، مسرح بابل

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: 10704.98 Miles

  • فلسفة الرعاية
    Laboratory diagnosis comes first !
  • الممارسة الطبية بدأت
    Since 2010
  • التعليم
    Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery - Beirut Arab Universirty
    Specialist in Laboratory Medicine and Blood Transfusion - Beirut Arab University
  • المستشفيات
    - Doctors' Center Laboratory & Radiology - Beirut
    - Laboratoires Dr. Saadeddine Awkal - Saida
  • خدمات
    - Routine and special blood testing
    - Molecular (DNA) diagnostic testing
    - Diagnostic specialized imaging
    - Endoscopy
  • العضوية المهنية
    - Lebanese Order of Physicians
    - Lebanese Syndicate of Laboratory Physicians
    - Lebanese Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
  • الإنجاز والتقدير
    - Assistant professor in biomedical sciences (LIU)
    - Assistant professor in Health Sciences (BAU)
    - Assistant professor in Public Health (LU)
  • اللغات
    Arabic, English, French

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