Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly Recommend
Wait time: Less Than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Amazing.. I’m super glad being his patient
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly Recommend
Wait time: Less Than 30 minutes
Great !
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Ra2e3a jedan
Recommendation: Never
Wait time: More than two hours
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
الدكتور شادي رحمه من الله لكل من يحتاج الى علاج شكرا دكتور
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Dr. Chadi was so professional , smiley and quick. i highly recommend him.
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
لا وصف عنه
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Highly recommended
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
High professional doctor
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly Recommend
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly Recommend
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 Minutes
Recommendation: Highly Recommend
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Dr Chadi Fakih is the best gynecologist in Lebanon
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Number 1
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
الحمدلله تجربة ناجحة..شكراً د.شادي فقيه و إلى مزيد من النجاح و التقدم إن شاء الله..طبيب بكل معنى الكلمة..
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
الله يحميك يا دكتور شادي ويوفق ويفتحا بوجك
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
جيد جداً
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
انه دكتور رائع جدا
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
one of the greatest ob-gyn in the country and the middle east
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
ينصح به بشدة
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Nb 1 Doctor
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Less than 30 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
he is my first OBG doctor. and cant trust any doctor but him. thank you.
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: ينصح به بشده
Wait time: حالاً
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
جيدة جدا"... طبيب يعمل بضمير
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
دكتور. شادي يهتم بالمريض بكافة تفاصيله و يتابع حالته من البداية بكل مهنية واهتمام . وهو اضافة الى ذلك شخص انساني يراعي وضع المرضى. اتمنى له دوام النجاح والتقدم
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Dr. chadi fakih you are the best Dr in the worldd alla y2awikk
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
سبحان يلي خلقه.. مجرد شوفتو بترد الرووح و هوي بحد ذاته دوا.. الله يحميه ويقويه و يطول عمره
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
سبحان يلي خلقه.. مجرد شوفتو بتريح النفسية و بتعطي إحساس بالراحة
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Dr.chadi is a very ‘competent’ doctor, an expert in his field! He is also a humanitarian ! As his patient, I think that patients get relieved when they see him! God bless u�����
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Between 30 and 60 minutes
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour
Very professional and helpful
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: Right Away
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Wait time: More than one hour