الممارسة الطبية بدأت
Since 2003
- Medical Doctor - Universidad De Oriente, Venezuela
- Arab Board Medical Specialty
شهادة البورد
- Arab Board Medical Specialty
- Ain Wa Zain Medical Village - Chouf
- Psychiatric Disorders
- Addictions
العضوية المهنية
- Lebanese Order of Physicians
- Lebanese Psychiatric Society
- Member of Reduction Sanction at The Ministry of Justice
- Member of UNRWA
الإنجاز والتقدير
- Lecturer in Psychiatry, Faculty of Health Sciences at the Lebanese University 6th Branch - Chouf
Arabic, English, Spanish
معلومات إضافية
Clinic Phone Number:
- Beirut: +961(0)3834581
- Ain Wa Zain Medical Village: +961(0)5501515 ext 4065