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  • التعليم
    - Bachelor honor in psychomotor therapy, LEBANESE UNIVERSITY Faculty of public health
  • شهادة البورد
    - Certification in the administration of the ADOS-2, UCL Institute of Child Health – Behavioural and Brain Sciences
    - Certification in the practice of Snoezelen therapy, PÉTRARQUE l’empreinte sensorielle
  • خدمات
    - Counsel, diagnose & provide psychomotor rehabilitation sessions for people in need for therapy.
    - Promote cognitive and motor skills of people.
  • الإنجاز والتقدير
    - Creating and selling psychomotor therapy cards games with specific objectives for therapists, educators and parents, Since 2020
  • اللغات
    Arabic, French, English
  • معلومات إضافية
    - Member & Chef at Akhawiyat Foursan, Talaih, Chabibat al Aadra since 2005

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