د. أندرو عيسى

المملكة العربية السعودية, منطقة مكة المكرمة

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  • فلسفة الرعاية
    Dr. John Issa is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the NYU School of Medicine. He received his MD from NYU and pursued his postgraduate training at the Duke University Medical Center, the National Institutes of Health and at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He completed his cardiology training at MGH in 1991.
  • التعليم
    -Medical School - New York University, Doctor of Medicine.
    -Duke University's Hospital, Internship in Internal Medicine
    -Duke University Hospital, Residency in Internal Medicine
    -Massachusetts General Hospital, Fellowship in Cardiology
  • شهادة البورد
    - American Board of Internal Medicine
    - Cardiovascular Disease (Internal Medicine)
  • خدمات
    - Electrocardiography
    - Echocardiogram
    - Stress Test
    - Cardiovascular Diseases

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